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The Nelson Mandela University Policy on Intellectual Property is intended to reflect the University’s vision, mission and values, with special emphasis on the desire to promote research and development, protect, manage and commercialise intellectual property of the University for the benefit of its stakeholders within the provisions of, and in compliance with, the law and especially the IP Act of 2008.

In so doing, it is the intention to utilize the potential of its communities; to contribute to sustainable development through research and innovation.

The policy also aims, subject to the prompt acquisition or protection of intellectual property rights, to promoting the prompt and open dissemination of the results of the University’s research and the free exchange of information among scholars which is essential to the fulfillment of the University’s obligations as an institution committed to excellence in education and research.

As one of its strategic priorities, the University aims to develop a research culture that actively responds to the needs of the people of the Republic of South Africa whilst also participating creatively in the global research community.